Thursday, April 4, 2024

Student Spotlight: Domani Turner-Ward

GIS4043 Lab 4: Vector Analysis

The current term of Introduction to GIS (GIS4043) recently completed Module 4, a Vector Analysis session that introduced some very useful tools. Students gained experience with the commonly used Buffer and Overlay geoprocessing tools. They also explored how to analyze vector data with spatial queries and distinguish between different types of layers.  These skills were used to find and map the potential campsites in De Soto National Forest  located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. 

This week, we would like to highlight the outstanding work of Domani Turner-Ward! 

Domani is an engaged student who asks great questions and is committed to genuinely understanding the GIS concepts they are learning.  Please click the image about to see their blogspot for a more detailed description of the assignment and more examples of Domani's quality work.