Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Remote Sensing: Student Spotlight

GIS4035 Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing, Mr. Brian Fulfrost

Visual Interpretation

In this laboratory exercise, students learned some basic principles of interpreting features found on aerial
photographs. These principles range from concepts so basic that they might never have considered them, to
quite obvious ideas, and finally some more advanced techniques.  

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Interpret the tone and texture of aerial photographs 
  • Identify land features in an aerial photograph based on several visual attributes 
  • Compare similar land features in true color and false color infrared (IR) photographs project name


The following student was chosen for their exception work on the Visual Interpretation assignment:

Lynne Johnson

About Lynne: Lynne started her schooling in Maine at the University of New England as a marine bio major but transferred to Suffolk University in Boston after one year.  From there she got her B.S. in Communication & Journalism.  After a few years of being out of school and wanting to change her direction, she found GIS. She hopes that GIS will be her foot in the door to marine conservation - specifically focusing on plastic pollution in the oceans. When asked if she would describe herself as a raster or vector, she replied "I would describe myself as a raster I think.  I like to be very organized and have things well structured."  Welcome to the spotlight Lynne - bask in the glow!

What we like: Many of the students found success in accomplishing this week’s laboratory tasks. However, Lynne’s map stood out for being neatly designed. She did an excellent job creating clear and legible labels, and making the most of the layout space. Furthermore, her process summary explanation was very detailed, specifically her reasoning for choosing her features (Shape & Size, Shadows, Pattern, and Association) in the exercise 2 map.

Keep your eyes open for next week's spotlight which will feature a student from Special Topics in Archaeology!

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