Data Classification Lab
Lab description - This lab focused on utilizing ArcMap to demonstrate the basic procedures normally used to classify data for choropleth mapping. Students classified data based on a single criterion from census information. The provided data was classified in four different ways: Equal Interval, Quantile, Standard Deviation, and Natural Breaks
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Compare and demonstrate the four methods of classification generally used for mapping
- Choose the best classification that demonstrates your data
- Utilize ArcGIS to prepare a map with four data frames
- Review the process to manually change class breaks in ArcGIS
The following student was chosen for their exceptional work on the Data Classification assignment:
Rena Lautzenheiser
What we like: The lab focused on different methods of data classification and so keeping this in mind it was important to create a map document that proved easy to read for comparison and interpretation. Rena's map did just that, paying close attention to map item alignment and overall neatness! The color scheme is one of the most important components for comparison, and Rena’s did a great job at communicating the information! She improved readability in the legend by truncating the decimal places, and provided the document with an informative title that has a professional edge. The second map for this project illustrated the student’s preferred method; Rena chose Natural Breaks and provided ample information within her blog, showing her understanding of the topic and backing up her decision. Also within her Natural Breaks map, she utilized tools such as text on a path, and provided an inset of Florida, all of which contributed to her being chosen for this week’s spotlight! Excellent work Rena!
Choropleth Mapping Lab
Lab description - In the "Choropleth Mapping" laboratory assignment students produced two separate choropleth maps, one in color and one in black and white. These maps illustrate population change of the United States utilizing census data.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Choose an appropriate color scheme for a choropleth map
- Create appropriate legend for classification scheme
- Calculate population change statistics in Excel
- Implement appropriate classification method for population data
- Manipulate and enhance geospatial data using graphic design capabilities of Adobe Illustrator
The following student was chosen for their exceptional work on the Choropleth Mapping assignment:
Stewart Boyd
What we like: This lab focused on choropleth mapping, and producing two maps showing US Population growth from 1990—2000. The first map being in color representing population change by state, introduced the classic and possibly most difficult aspect of Cartography…which color is the right color? Stewart hit it spot on, presenting the information clearly and keeping it pleasing to the eyes! On top of that the overall neatness and arrangement of his map elements was superb and illustrated the concepts of craftsmanship, before the concept was even suggested! All typographic rules were obeyed eliminating the threat of overlapping text and his legend was easily readable. The professional, polished appearance of his map shows an understanding in navigating through Adobe Illustrator. Overall, well done Stewart!
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