Wednesday, June 14, 2017

GIS 4048 – GIS Applications - Student Spotlight

Module 2: Lahars

The first GIS application investigated in GIS 4048 is Natural Hazard planning and mitigation.  For the lahars lab, students utilized DEMs and the Hydrology toolset found within the Spatial Analyst extension to determine potential drainage flow around Mt.Hood in a potential volcanic event.  After streambeds  were determined, students overlaid census data to determine the at risk population.  Lastly, the data was compiled as a cartographically polished map to effectively communicate the information.

This spotlight goes to Erin Padgett! Erin correctly completed the DEM analysis to generate streams and adjacent low lying hazardous areas.  Although the analysis workflow was tricky, presenting the information was equally as difficult.  Erin did an excellent job differentiating map elements and information to allow for quick data acquisition and interpretation.  The excellence is in the map’s simplicity.  The underlying DEM imagery was phased out for a neutral background a few shades lighter than the symbology for the hazard areas which really promoted the map’s content. The different label styles are simple, but very effective at communicating different features. Overall, this map’s generalized content enables quick acquisition of the hazard areas. Including DEM imagery in the map could also be relevant, but the trick is to use subtle symbology so the hazard areas are still easily visible.  See her blog post for more details about this assignment. Great job Erin!

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