Wednesday, October 28, 2015

GIS4944/5945, GIS Internship Student Spotlights

GIS4944/5945, GIS Internship, Instructors: Amber Bloechle, GISP and Dr. Derek Morgan. Course Facilitator /Coach: Salina Randall


GIS Internships - Let's get to work!

This semester we thought we would do something new. In an effort to spotlight our Internship students, we have created a web app that highlights what each student has been doing in their internship and where their internship is located. We intend to update this web app each year to create a wonderful resource for our current and prospective students.

This information has been pulled from a "Press Release" assignment that each student completed in Week 7 of the Internship course. We hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

GIS4930 Special Topics in GIS - Student Spotlight

GIS4930 Special Topics in GIS, Instructor, Mrs. Amber Bloechle and Ms. Deidra Krolikowski

Module 2 - Web Applications in Mountaintop Removal

Lab Description:
Over the course of four weeks, students created hydrology datasets from DEMs, used unsupervised classification to determine areas of mountaintop removal and change in MTR area over time, and worked in groups to cover the entire study area. They completed this module by compiling data within their groups and presenting their final analysis in an ArcGIS Online map and their overall report as a Story Map Journal, incorporating maps and products from all weeks of the module.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  • Use ArcGIS Explorer Online to modify maps and create your own interactive web presentations for public.
  • Embed an interactive map on a blog or other website to share with the public.
  • Research web maps and techniques used to present geographical data.
  • Create and share a web map using acquired and created data through ArcGIS Online.
  • Summarize key processes completed for Prepare and Analyze weeks, including any issues encountered along the way. 
  • Use ArcGIS Explorer Online to modify maps and create your own interactive web presentations for public.
  • Embed an interactive map on a blog or other website to share with the public. 
  • Summarize key processes completed for Prepare and Analyze weeks, including any issues encountered along the way. 
  • Self-assess comprehension of key concepts with regards to spatial analysis techniques presented and methods utilized in this module. 
  • Work with classmates and instructor via online discussion boards and scheduled elluminate sessions to meet common goals. 
    And the STUDENT SPOTLIGHT AWARD goes to...

    Natalie Gusack and Gary Crowe! Both Natalie and Gary created Journal Maps that are very detailed. They introduce the reader to why MTR is something to be aware of, moving onto their study areas, analysis performed, and discussion of their results in a logical manner that clearly communicates and displays their results. Included in their Journal Maps are a Story Map tour and an ArcGIS Online Map. Both Natalie and Gary produced a final result that is both informative and aesthetically pleasing. Congratulations Natalie and Gary! 

    Natalie Gusack

    Natalie is an undergraduate student in the GIS Online Program. She currently lives in Tampa, FL and has consistently shown herself to be a dedicated student. Congratulations and Welcome to the Spotlight!

    Here is a link to Natalie's Journal Map!



    Gary Crowe

    Gary is in his last semester with the GIS Online Program. He currently lives in Orlando, Florida and has been an environmental consultant since 1992. We are so proud of Gary and his accomplishments this year! Congratulations and Welcome to the Spotlight!

      Here is a link to Gary's Journal Map!

    Monday, October 19, 2015

    GIS 4035 - Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation Student Spotlight

    GIS4035/L Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation, Instructor, Mr. Brian Fulfrost

    Module 6 - Image Preprocessing and Spatial Enhancement

    Lab Description:
    Image enhancements modify remote sensing data to help users to interpret those data beyond what is initially apparent. There are a variety of methods and purposes for enhancements, from extracting or highlighting hidden features, to correcting for sensor errors.

    In this lab, students learned how to complete similar tasks in ArcMap and ERDAS Imagine. ArcMap and ERDAS cannot replace each other, but can be used in conjunction to complete the most difficult tasks.

    Student Learning Outcomes:
    • Download and import satellite imagery
    • Perform spatial enhancements in ArcMap and ERDAS
    • Utilize the Fourier Transformation function


    The BLOG postings this week illustrated that a number of students, including Alicia Lindbom and Brittany Burdelsky, and Sarah Love-Martin had a high level of  understanding of how spatial image enhancement techniques can be be utilized for various functions, including the "destriping" of Landsat imagery. However, we thought Sara's BLOG posting was especially good.

    Sarah Love-Martin

    Sarah is currently in her last semester with the GIS Online Program. She is a former Aerial Photographer (which sounds like the coolest job ever!) and has consistently shown herself to be a dedicated student. Congratulations and Welcome to the Spotlight!
     Sarah's map and BLOG posting are easy to understand, provide an excellent overview of the spatial enhancement techniques learned in this week's Module, and demonstrate a high level of understanding of the material. Sarah provides a brief review of what spatial enhancement techniques are and then succinctly describes the differences and uses for each technique. In addition, she compare the similar tools for performing spatial enhancements in ArcGIS and Erdas Imagine. Her map clearly illustrates her success in applying the Fourier (and other) transformation methods to remove the "striping" on the Landsat image. The map also includes a "zoomed in" example of the original image so the reader can compare her results to the same area in the original, which allows the reader to easily understand the outcome of the methods that were applied.

    Friday, October 2, 2015

    GIS Online Fall 2015 Events

    It is shaping up to be a really busy semester for GIS Online! Here is a rundown of the 2015 GIS meetings that we will be attending/participating in:

    South Florida GIS Expo (Palm Beach County Convention Center) -
    Thursday & Friday, October 8th and 9th, 2015

    GIS Online has a booth space and will be marketing our program to a new market. We also hope to find more regional internships.


    Northwest FL GIS User Group Fall Meeting (Destin Community Center) -
    101 Stahlman Avenue Destin, FL 32541
    Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, 8:30 – 2:30 CDT

    GIS Online has a booth space and is hoping to find more local internships as a result of this event. Salina Randall will be presenting on all the GIS happenings @ UWF (both online and on-campus).  

    We are also hosting a digital map media competition. Visit the website to learn more!

    Submissions are due to by 11:59 PM CST on Sunday, October 4, 2015. Judging will close on Monday, October 12, 2015 and winners will be announced at the User Group meeting.

    SHRUG (FSU Convention Center, Tallahassee, FL) - 
    Wednesday & Thursday, November 18th and 19th, 2015 

    GIS Online has booth space here as well. We have attended this event before with great success in marketing our programs and finding internship opportunities for our students. We expect this year to be the same on that front.

    A few new developments in our participation with SHRUG:
    • We will host several open lab sessions during the event, featuring content from our recent MOOC - Introduction to GIS.
    • On November 20th, Salina Randall and Deidra Krolikowski will be conducting 2 training courses titled:  
      • From Data to Maps - Communicating GIS Effectively and 
      • Line up Florida with Projections.  
    Here is a link to find out more:


    SEDAAG (Crown Plaza Grand Hotel, Pensacola, FL) -
    Sunday - Tuesday, November 22-24, 2015

    This year's GIS Day celebration will be on the Sunday before the SEDAAG Convention. It will be an exciting opportunity to share GIS with a wide variety of people in a very different venue. This year's celebration will be sponsored by GIS Online @ UWF, the Earth and Environmental Sciences department and ESRI.

    We are looking forward to a fast-paced couple of months that will help us highlight our program to a wide and varied audience. We invite you to check your calendars and see if you can join us, or find an event or user group closer to home and become a part of your local GIS community! We will of course keep the Blog updated with details from each of the events. 
