Friday, December 1, 2023

Student Spotlight: Alex Nitzman

Student Spotlight: Alex Nitzman

Recently in our GIS 4035/L Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing course, students learned techniques for image classification. Their goal was to learn how to convert a group or cluster of spectrally similar pixels into an information class such as Land Use or Land Cover. Tasks included creating classified images in ERDAS, practicing reclassification, evaluating signature histograms, and preparing maximum likelihood classifications. 

This week, we would like to highlight the outstanding work of Alex Nitzman! 

Alex is detail oriented as seen in the above image reflecting a well designed map of the final results of a Land Use/Land Cover created with Supervised Image Classification. He is active in office hours and offers insights that are helpful to the class. Click here to check out his blog The GIS Road to Fruition to see more of his work!