Project 4 Forestry Analysis
This week students calculated summary area statistics and frequency distributions, reclassified using locational attributes, calculated a viewshed , and utilized the raster calculator to determine clearcut visibility. Deliverables included a frequency distribution of boundary lengths shared by clearcuts and main roads, a tally count and map of clearcut visibility , a basemap of the study area, with an appropriate legend and all other essential map elements , a completed written summary (summary and article search) , a completed Process Summary and a blog post including a basemap along with project description.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Calculate summary area statistics and frequency distributions
- Reclassifying using locational attributes
- Calculating a viewshed
- Utilizing the raster calculator to determine clearcut visibility
The following student was chosen for their exception work on the Network Analyst Report Week assignment:
Scott Crosby
What we like: Scott followed all of the deliverable directions to the T. His basemap was simple yet contained all of the data one would need to fully asses the study area at a glance, including an inset map for geographic reference, a detailed title, and a layer displaying the various cover types in the area. His visibility map also displayed excellence in that he included and easy to interpret chart and text explaining his results. Way to go, Scott!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and keep an eye out for our next spotlight!