Tuesday, February 26, 2013

GIS4043 Student Spotlight: Introduction to GIS- GIS & Cartography

GIS4043 Introduction to GIS, Instructor, Mrs. Amber Bloechle

GIS & Cartography

This week we explored metadata in a bit more detail and also become better acquainted with data attributes and search queries. In addition to submitting the process summary the deliverables for this lab included 3 different maps focusing on areas, features, and the topography of Mexico.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Explore data files and data management tools in ArcCatalog
  • Work with and explore a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster file
  • Compare and contrast raster and vector data files
  • Edit an attribute table
  • Use Select by Attributes tools to select specific data
  • Create a new data layer from selection
  • Work with symbology tools to display data
  • Label specific data fields in a layer from the Label Properties dialog
  • Use the legend wizard to create a meaningful map legend
  • Further explore data layout options
  • Create a report that explains data being utilized in the GIS proejct (metadata), answers important questions and summarizes the process of creating exercises deliverables from beginning to end. 


The following student was chosen for his exceptional work on the GIS & Cartography assignment:

Adam Morrisette

About Adam: Adam is a history buff who is very interested in digital history and the humanities.  He is currently living in Bangor, Maine after living up and down the east coast. As a graduate student he participated in several terrestrial and underwater field schools. Adam has a MA in history and is very interested in GIS as a tool for historians.  I wonder if Adam will be joining the Archaeology track this summer....hmmm - looks promising. Welcome to the spotlight Adam - it's an elite group!

What we like: In addition to a flawless process summary, Adam made excellent choices regarding color scheme, labeling, and symbology. Adam displayed the data in a clear, easy to interpret manner, included all of the essential map elements, and payed close attention to detail, layout, and design.

"The first map created for our week three lab is a map of Mexican states by population.  The map uses a graduated color ramp of yellows, oranges, and browns to show the populations of each state.  I used a light gray for the other countries visible on the map as not to visually detract from Mexico."

"The second map shows railroads, federal highways, and rivers in central Mexico.  Urban centers with a population of more than one million are shown in red. I used a light, sandy background color for central Mexico so the railroads, river, and highways would really stand out. An inset maps shows the area of central Mexico depicted in the main map."

"The third map shows elevation in Mexico using a raster digital elevation model (DEM).  I used a color ramp composed of tans and browns to give the map an earthy appearance.  As with the first map, I used a light gray for the background color of other countries so they did not detract from the focus on Mexico.  Again, an inset map shows the area depicted in the main map."

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